Week 100 - May 18, 2019 Steve's Bible Study
100th Bible Study Anniversary - What is the Bible?

[Selected Scriptures]

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What is the Bible?


(Gr: "biblos" - book, scroll)


(Gr: "theos" - God) (Gr: "pneustos" - breathe)

1) Attributes of God (unchanging, truthful, inerrant)

2) Written during eras of miracles
3) 66 books, 40 writers, 3 languages, 3 continents, 1600 years 
4) No errors / no contradictions
5) 500 fulfilled prophecies
6) Accurate (historically, scientifically, logically, prophetically
Have (Heb: "echo" - have possession of)
"THE LAW " - 1st half / 1st division (5 books of Moses)
"THE PROPHETS" - 2nd half / 2nd division (ex: Jeremiah)
"THE WRITINGS " - 3rd division (ex: Psalm)
"THE LAW & THE PROPHETS" = the Old Testament
EZRA-NEHEMIAH (~400BC) ("The Great Synagogue") —› HILLEL (~70BC-10AD) —› GAMALIEL (Acts 22:3) —› PAUL (Romans 3:21) —› JESUS (Luke 16:14, 16, 29) —› THE REFORMERS (16th Cent.)